Fly Cordele
2025 Region 5 South and 18M Nationals Soaring Contests

Cordele is a great little town located in South Georgia. It has everything a pilot and his or her crew would want: good soaring, good people, services of about any kind and lots of good food.
Cordele has been host to glider contests for 54 years. Its task area is made up of many airports and relatively flat agricultural land making for very good contest geography for both new and experienced pilots The airport is centered in the task area and the area is about 60 miles in any direction from the airport.
The local citizens, Chamber of Commerce, and businesses have been very supportive and will welcome you and help you when needed. Just ask.

The Contest
Most of the 500K flights in Georgia have been flown from Cordele in late May, early June. Cloud-base is typically 5,000 to 6,000 ft. This is also the time when local farmers burn the stubble in their fields that can result in dramatic convection. The land-out terrain is friendly and mostly accommodating. The days can be very good here.